“Reciprocal restoration is the mutually reinforcing restoration of land and culture such that repair of ecosystem services contributes to cultural revitalization, and renewal of culture promotes restoration of ecological integrity.”

- Robin Wall Kimmerer

Website under construction!

Website under construction!

rest, restore, restory is a work in progress.

I am in the midst of updating my website. Please check back later for more project documentation!

To participate in ecological restoration in a way that recognizes the harm that colonization has inflicted on the land, we must also understand the stories that have shaped land management practices widely used today. Rest, Restore, Restory endeavors to engage in ecological restoration, unpacking each learned skill or practice to understand the storied histories that shape this practice. Rest, Restore, Restory also aims to reimagine some of these stories, transforming power over relationships to land by restorying and centering rest.


phen(omen)ologies of you and i


Rituals of Regard & Recollection